Copyright 2010 Marketing To Be CC; All rights reserved
The purpose of this document is introduce to individuals and/or organizations an overview of Marketing To Be’s services and its method of operations. This should enable prospective clients of Marketing To Be to determine the benefits as well advantages of contracting our services with all the expertise; experience and practical knowledge of a full time marketing manager for their organizational need(s). This service is further enhanced with an hands on approach to client service and responsible financial & operational administration of the organizations marketing function.
1. Letter from the Principal Member
2. Business Overview and Goal(s)
3. Overview of the Business’s Services
4. How the business operates
5. The Business Opportunity
Note 1: Marketing To Be referred to as M2b from here onwards.
1. Letter from the Principal Member
Dear Prospective Client
Thank you for taking the time to read the Marketing To Be Prospectus and the opportunity for your organization.
The opportunity is for your organization and the business it provides via a product or service to INCREASE its performance as well as profitability. This can be achieved relative to its efficient use of focused marketing efforts and budget to increase the return of investment through increased selling; customer awareness and/or revenue generation.
The question you are asking is how the above is executed by M2b. Well a practical example is the following:
Company A starts trading in Year 1 and one of its first actions is to appoint a sales representative to start selling their product. The representative begins well and has soon increased the sales of the companies product by 50% in the first 3 months of his/her employment, unfortunately in the proceeding 3 months the sales dip of to 10% and show signs of decline. What can M2b do to solve this problem?
After M2b’s has reviewed the company’s business plan and made a initial research of the market segment they are in, M2b proposes a plan of action (marketing plan) that it will consult Company A on going forward. One part of the plan is to have the sales representative cold call potential customers from a list of prospects that would be more interested in the Company’s product instead of the sales representative calling potential customers from the pages of the telephone directory. This simple action will increase the sales representatives’ success in making appointments with potential customers (prospects) from 1 out of every 10 calls to now achieving 1 appointment out of every 5 calls. This will increase the efficiency of the sales representatives calling; quoting and sales of the company’s products dramatically. This when combined with M2b’s overall marketing plan will make Company A efficient in its execution of marketing effort and budget.
In short M2b delivers in its name “Marketing To Be”; helping its clients to market themselves to be the best in what they do and at what they want to achieve.
Look forward to M2b making a positive impact to enhancing your organizations marketing operations and performance.
Yours sincerely
Jason Hedenskog
2. Business Overview and Goal(s)
M2b was founded as a closed corporation (Cc registration number 2008/007519/23) on the 1st January 2008 as a service consultancy which offers the functional service with all the duties & responsibilities of a marketing manager at a fraction of the cost of employing such a function full time or permanently.
This is achieved by providing the function of a marketing manager for hire as per an hourly rate for a specified number of hours per month proportional to the specified duties & responsibilities requested from the client.
M2b over the period of 2008 and 2009 signed 10 clients on 12 month contracts which was quite an accomplishment. This saw a business income of roughly R30 000.00 to R60 000.00 per month. Other notable highlights for M2b is the setup of a website which increased its online presence as well as awareness and then the appearance of it principal member (Mr Jason Hedenskog) on the breakfast television program Morning Live of ETV channel. Both these activities resulted in M2b signing new clients.
Mr Jason Hedenskog is the founder of M2b and its principal member. He has 10 years of marketing & advertising experience in South Africa from large corporates to small agencies. His unique ability to form strong personal relationships with his clients as well as to challenge the norm by thinking “out of the box” solutions using activities as well as processes which normally come at a low cost or even no cost is what differentiates him from his competition.
He is also a loving husband and father of 2 baby boys with his home in Somerset West where he has grown up since he was 6 years old. His parents and sibling are also resided here and he completed his schooling and tertiary education in the Cape. He is a graduate in Marketing from the CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) and is to become a Chartered Marketer via Service SETA as well as seeks to complete a MBA. M2b’s success and reputation is intimately entwined with his ambitions and hopes for growth in entrepreneurial spirit and business sustainability.
M2b’s goal is to on the successful achievement of its client capacity (estimated at 12 clients per marketer with M2b wanting to have 1 senior marketer and 3 junior marketers eventually in M2b) of 48 clients running consistently for 2 years with M2b to open up branches of the consultancy in Johannesburg then Durban and so forth. The goal being to offer the services of a Marketing Manager for hire to more businesses (start-ups; SMMEs etc) in South Africa and possibly further a field.
The services and goal(s) pertained in this prospectus are for M2b for the first 5 to 6 years of its trading, 2008 – 2012.
3. Overview of the Business’s Services
M2b marketers function and provide the services of a marketing manager as per the world wide generally accepted standards for the duties & responsibilities of this position. M2b marketers and the business are also governed and their performances measured as per these duties & responsibilities.
These duties & responsibilities or services of M2b are as follows:
- MARKETING PLAN & BUDGET describes how the client’s product or service is to be marketed to its customers over a period of 12 months (trading/calendar year) through which activities/mediums/media and by whom at what cost.
- PROMOTIONAL ACTIVTIES is one of the 7 P’s used in marketing to increase the exposure of the client’s products or services so to heighten the awareness of the clients’ products or services to its targeted customers. These Promotion activities can be advertising; sales promotion; personal selling; public relations; publicity; social media marketing; CRM programs etc.
- MARKETING INFORMATION AND HISTORY would be compiled for the client to testify to their lessons learned and past successes through a brand bible or log book while at the same time developing a better understanding and synergy with their target market segment by acquiring more accurate information.
- EVENTS AND TRAINING is where the client is consulted on specific events that they need to undertake; record and participate into capture their audience and focus their activities towards. Also specific training programs or courses may be recommended to keep the clients business and/or employees abreast of the latest trends; developments or occurrences in their industry or segment that would or could impact their business negatively or positively.
- RELATIONSHIPS AND NETWORKING would for example find a M2b marketer consulting the client on which relationships are key to their businesses success in marketing themselves efficiently as well as with whom and where to network actively for more prospects and business leads.
- QUARTERLY REPORTS & MONTHLY FEEDBACK are a integral part of all of M2b’s operations and allow M2b and its marketers to maintain ongoing accountability; transparency and good corporate governance with its clients in accordance with the best practise guidelines as per the Marketing Association of South Africa (referred to as MASA which is South Africa’s industry body to regulate and accredit marketing professionals in South Africa). Marketing To Be is a loyal and dedicated member of MASA and has being since its inception.
Potential clients can select all of the above services or a few of them instead. All M2b and client relationships have reports & feedbacks as standard “modus operandi”. The client’s selection of the above services will determine M2b’s time (minimum of 2 hours per month is needed) required per month to perform them and the cost per hour (minimum cost of R500.00 per hour is quoted) that is requested.
4. How the business operates
M2b’s “modus operandi” is to always provide a smart; professional; accountable and results drive service to it clients. Client spend is thus justified through receiving the proficient execution & implementation of marketing activities & processes from start to finish in the clients best interests.
Here are the steps to M2b’s operations with its clients:
(1) Introductory meeting with client and explanation of business problem or deficiency
(2) M2b and client sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
(3) Client then provides their business plan for M2b’s analysis
(4) M2b proposes a solution via a joint-venture agreement between M2b & client
(5) Client approves the proposal and enters into a joint venture
(6) M2b spends 1 to 3 months in close interaction with client to formalise the marketing plan/solution
(7) Client approves the plan/solution
(8) M2b begins executing the plan/solution on a month by month basis
(9) M2b provides it 1st quarter report to the client for continuance of the joint venture
(10) Client approves the 1st quarter report and manner to which the joint venture has begun. M2b continues its function and service to client for the remaining period of the agreement.
5. The Business Opportunity
What is the opportunity for the client and M2b?
Whats the opportunity cost for the client?
The opportunity for the client is to outsource the duties & responsibilities of marketing the business to a professional marketer so that the business owners or executives can concentrate on more important tasks such as VIP customers and business operations.
The opportunity for M2b is to focus the marketing efforts and budget of the client to increase the return of investment through increased selling; customer awareness and/or revenue generation.
The opportunity cost for the client can be a minimum of R2000.00 per month for 4 to 6 hours of a professional marketer to the client’s business revenues and exposure of the client’s business brand.
Opportunity normally only knock once……………..To be or NOT to be??